Atanu Boy 2
Embark on a thrilling adventure with Atanu Boy 2, the exciting sequel to the original anime-inspired, robot-themed platformer. In this 2D action-packed game, you must navigate through 8 challenging levels, collecting cash and avoiding enemies all while you dodge bullets, spikes, and saws. The challenges increase in intensity as you progress in your quest to reach the pink flag at each level's finish line.
How to play
To control your character's movements in Atanu Boy 2, use either the "WASD" keys or the "Arrow" keys. Perform a double jump by pressing the "W" or "Up" arrow key twice. Your objective is to navigate through each level successfully while gathering money and evading enemy attacks until you reach the pink flag that signals the end of a level.
Tips and Tricks
Timing and precision are key in Atanu Boy 2. Carefully time your jumps to dodge bullets, drones, saws, and spikes. Also, remember you can do a double jump if you need extra height or distance. Collect all coins possible for maximum points but prioritize completing each level without losing lives.
- Anime-inspired graphics: Enjoy vibrant graphics with a captivating anime twist.
- Intricate levels: Navigate through 8 challenging levels that increase in difficulty as you progress.
- Mechanical enemies: Dodge enemy gangsters, flying drones and their bullets for an adrenaline-pumping experience.
- Cash collection: Collect money throughout your adventure for added excitement.